Walking the Talk: 3-Day Quote Challenge #2

“Love is shown more in deeds than in words.”    ~Ignatius of Loyola~

I’ve thought on Walking the Talk for a long while now.  It became especially poignant when the girls started asking those interesting questions that children are prone to do.  We were challenged to think about how we felt on many issues, then had to find ways to explain it to them, and finally, we had to determine how we would Walk the Talk as an example to them.

It certainly has been n interesting journey, one which is far from over. Although our children no longer look to us quite as much as they used to, walking the talk has been a discipline that occupies much of our focus.  It is a daily struggle, and a daily renewal to show Love to our family, friends, and those around us, not only by expressing it with words but also with our actions.


Thank you to Pommepal & Lorelle for inviting me to join in the “Three Day Quote Challenge“:  Pommepal at RetiredfromGypsyLife gives us peeks into her lush garden.  Lorelle at AMindfulTraveller tells wonderful food stories & offers us recipes inspired from  from her travels, like this one for Tortellini di Zucca.

Inviting the following, and You, to join in the fun:

  1. Atreyee Gupta at BespokeTraveler is an Armchair Traveller’s dream come true. She tells gripping and Immersive Tales for the Curious Traveler
  2. The Widow Badass  takes life by the horns! She inspires me to live just a little more on the edge.
  3. Mackenzie at Macmarie is a nurse by day traveller/foodie/runner/Oneofthe MostBeautifulPeopleIKnow the rest of the time.

The Rules :

1) Thank the person who nominated you
2) Post a quote for 3 consecutive days ( 1 post each day )
3) Nominate 3 bloggers each day

Feature photo of this sculpture was taken at Benchasiri Park in Bangkok early this year (January 2018)

8 Replies to “Walking the Talk: 3-Day Quote Challenge #2”

  1. From reading the posts in which you mention your family, I’ve always thought you walk the talk; and now I know that you deliberately and carefully do just that. I think your children are fortunate in the parents they have. Also, the statue in the photograph is fascinating.


    1. Thank you for the affirmation, Janet! We all do try our best to live wholistic & consistent lives; we don’t always succeed, but it has been life-preserving to have a home base to return to!

      Isn’t the sculpture just fun? Bangkok is full of fun art scattered around the city!


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