happy place, happy space: New Blog

After much contemplation, I’ve decided to start a new blog instead of upgrading this current one which is pushing close to the memory limit. I’ve consulted some of you, dear BlogFriends, who have done one or the other, and I have dug deep as to where I see myself with blogging in the coming years.

So, I present to you, Touring My Backyard: Rediscovering Singapore. My focus will be our virtual Camino explorations around our little island, as well as any other fun things we might discover as tourists in our home.

Church of St Francis of Assisi, 21 Feb 2021

I hope you will come along and join me as I begin that adventure. Please also continue to stay tuned here: I plan to fill this space with less Singapore-specific posts.


Reading your Joyful Posts brings me to my happy place. I hope having them in one place makes it easier for you to find when you need a bit of happy therapy, too.

If you would like to join in, ping back to this post and I will include you next week.



happy place, happy space: Church

We have not stepped into a physical church for almost a year.

I miss it.

Last night, Loving Husband and I stood outside the Church of the Sacred Heart, some distance from another supplicant, to give thanks.

This year, we resolve to run and/or drive/run to all 32 parishes in Singapore.

Reading your Joyful Posts brings me to my happy place. I hope having them in one place makes it easier for you to find when you need a bit of happy therapy, too.

If you would like to join in, ping back to this post and I will include you next week.