The Romantic Sublime: SingPoWriMo Update Day 21-26

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Poem written in response to JMW Turner’s The Shipwreck, found at the Tate Britain.

If you’ve ever been moved to tears by a piece of music, or stood in gaping awe at the edge of a cliff, or haunted by an painting, you will have touched the Romantic notion of the Sublime.

In 1757, Edmund Burke built on the 2nd century idea that the experience of the Sublime is to touch the Infinite, which is at once thrilling & terrifying.  This took off in the imagination of poets, artists and musicians, like Shelley, Wordsworth, JMW Turner, William Blake, Beethoven, Schubert.

I was reminded this week of how powerfully music is able to transport: to a different place, time and state of being.  Case in point: Ravel’s Tzizane.  I am not a particular fan of violin music, but I love this piece and Itzhak Perlman’s rendition is Sublime!

Feature Photo: Prince Edward of York Orchid at the Singapore Garden Festival Orchid Show, submitted for Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge, Lines


16 Replies to “The Romantic Sublime: SingPoWriMo Update Day 21-26”

  1. Very rousing. I’m often moved to tears by music. In fact I’ve got very emotional as I’ve got older and it takes very little these days to stir me.


  2. A wonderful piece of music and thank you for sharing. I still find myself moved to tears by music, for its beauty, personal memories, resonance … I like the idea of being touched by the Sublime.


  3. Your post is a revealing and wonderful exploration of the word sublime. The poem, the history of the word’s meaning for artists, poets and musicians and the hauntingly lovely violin piece combined to give me a new understanding of sublime. Oh,how I’ve enjoyed the time I spent with you this afternoon.


  4. How wonderful that you created this awesome poem in reaction to seeing Turner’s painting! I love how inspiration always finds a into our hearts and minds, dwelling there and be released again by a new piece of art! 😊


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