Guess who I met at the Singapore Botanic Gardens?

I don’t always exercise in the morning as I sometime have driving commitments. When I do, I like to get out at dawn; I love the magnificence of the sunrise, the quiet of that time of day, and the drowsiness which curbs negative self-talk (read: too sleepy to mull over reasons why I shouldn’t hit the pavement).

Sunrise over the Gazebo at Swan Lake, Singapore Botanic Gardens

This morning wasn’t quite like most others.  I popped awake at 6 ahead of my alarm set for 6:30.  I considered going back to sleep but for some reason, could not.  As I balefully looked over at my running gear set out and waiting for me,  the litany of excuses began in my head.  I put on my best pathetic face, slouched over in a tired manner, then asked Loving Husband  (who was bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, already dressed and ready to go to school) what he thought I should do.  Without batting an eyelid, he beamed at me and said: ” Go to the Gardens!”.

So, somewhat disgruntled, I found myself in the Singapore Botanic Gardens which is conveniently across the street.  Nature was obviously conspiring with Loving Husband to ensure I had a good outing as I encountered some critters which brought many smiles: a Malayan Water Monitor who showed absolutely no interest in me, a skittish Red Junglefowl who ran straight ahead the path, stopping ever so often to look back and crow, and a Plantain Squirrel who tried to stealthily cross the pavement, but without much success.


White-crested Laughing Thrush taken at Bukit Batok Nature Park, Nov 2016

And if they weren’t enough, when I was coasting through The Rainforest, I heard the cackling of a bird that never fails to make me laugh, the White-crested Laughing Thrush.

So, the moral of the story is, even when you think you don’t want to get out there to greet the day, you should go anyway?

How do you motivate yourself on days when the most attractive option seems to be crawling back into bed?

Swan Lake, so named for the Swan Sculpture in the middle of the Lake, and the pair of resident white swans (not in picture)

Feature Photo: Bandstand in the Singapore Botanic Gardens, surrounded by Golden  Rain Trees, which have yellow leaves instead of green; our nod to Fall colours, all year round!

12 Replies to “Guess who I met at the Singapore Botanic Gardens?”

  1. I only ever run to catch a bus 🙂 🙂 I’d much rather walk fast. And with beautiful surrounds like those I’m afraid I’d be walking slowly. 🙂 People do seem to have a love/hate relationship with running. I’m usually up and straight to the kettle and then the laptop. With those gardens on the doorstep I think that might be my next direction. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ooh not so sure about the Malayan Water Monitor but otherwise what a fabulous walk . . .and you are so right. Dragging yourself out sometimes seems far too much effort, but more often than not you come back happy that you did so 🙂


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