that’s about the size

Reflecting on the One Word Sunday: Size  challenge hosted by Debbie at TravelWithIntent, this song came to mind from my Sesame Street watching childhood.

That’s about the size, where you put your eyes, that’s about the size of it.

This past Sunday we celebrated Pentecost, an occasion which also marks the anniversary of my waking from a coma 2 years ago. A question I am asked often is, “Are you back to normal?”

Not a simple question to answer as I am not quite sure what “normal” is. Partly because I can’t remember how I was exactly before this incident. Partly because I have never been able to pinpoint what normality is.

But as this question comes from concerned friends and family, I reckon it warrants some reflection.

Here’s what I know:

  • my energy levels are limited and unpredictable; some days are more energetic than others. So, I try to get all the things I am yearning to do sorted early in the day: run/exercise, bake my loaf, practice my music, the things that tickle my fancy. And then, everything else is is a bonus! I am able to do this because of understanding family and friends who are used to me checking out early from social occasions and/or changing plans.
  • some memories are lost. This is not forgetfulness, although that also happens a great deal. I have been assured this is “normal” at my age. Regardless, there are things which I have absolutely no recall, even with cues and help from loved ones.

So, how do I feel about my current state of being? Just as the song suggests, it’s all about perspective. Where am I putting my eyes?

I am relishing the freedom to do the things that give me joy. There are still chores and errands, but those have ceased to govern my day. No one is going to expire because laundry wasn’t done, or the floor wasn’t mopped, or if leftovers were served. And I would like to think that because I now have the luxury of choice, I can be more life-giving to those around me (which was not always easy in the past, as I felt tugged in all directions): to be a better wife, mother, daughter, friend.

Again, I am grateful to those who continue to journey with me: for your encouragement, support & care. I feel very much blessed and loved. May you all have a healthful and reflective year ahead.


18 Replies to “that’s about the size”

  1. I had no idea you were once in a coma! Wow! That’s quite life-changing. This was before I knew you, clearly. Glad you’re doing all right now, I mean, relatively it seems. Thank God for that.


  2. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I love being in contact again. You were my special friend at Baylor and a special friend now.


  3. Oh Ju Lyn- this is such a beautifully written, heart-felt reflection… you’re so right- perspective is everything… and you have shared so much wisdom.. I love what you said about having more to give to those around you because of the freedom of choice, and the recognition that not everything has to be done. Although I’m so sorry you went through that and still have some affects, I love your optimism and ability to reflect on the positive that has come from an extremely scary and tough circumstance. Thank you for sharing ❤ Huge hugs to you!


    1. Hugs back to you Mack! Thank you for your affirmation and loving encouragement.

      You must know that one of the joys of walking this journey is the inspiration heaped onto me by phenomenal folks like you! Thank you for sharing your life: its struggles & triumphs both spur me on & provide a balm for my soul.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. happy two-year anniversary
    and wow – what a life-changing thing to go through – and glad you have such a supportive circle to make life even more enjoyable – and glad to connect via our blog connection.


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