Lush Fresh Face Masks


Taking the time to put on a face mask was not part of my beauty regime – splashing water, and maybe occasionally soaping my face was more my speed.

My first encounter with Lush Fresh Facemasks was when were notified by Instagram of a Hands-on Facemask Making Session at Lush Orchard Gateway.  There was then a followup post inviting anyone who wanted a sample to pop by the store.

Mostly to humour Older Daughter, I planned my evening run to stop by Orchard Gateway.  Without batting an eyelid at my hot sweaty person, the Lush Ambassador generously handed me two samples when I asked her whether she had any more.


I hesistated to try the Rosy Cheeks because I am not a big fan of Rose scents: in either the flower or the tea.  Prolonged exposure to both result in a headache.

But since I went all the way to get these, Older Daughter persuaded me to try it.  To my surprise, the scent of the rose absolute was pleasantly tempered by the calamine.  And to my utter amazement, my face felt wonderful after just 10 minutes of having the mask on.  My wrinkles smoothed out a great deal, and while not left devoid of all facial lines, my face was significantly more supple!

Mini-miniatures sculptured by Older Daughter using Sculpey Premo

After this successful trial, Older Daughter & I researched all the Lush Facemasks to see if there were others which were suitable for me.  Turned out there was another which would be beneficial for older skin which needed help.  So, off I went to Lush Great World in search of an Ayesha sample.

Kiwi Swan Carving by Older Daughter

Another generous Lush Ambassador gave me some Ayesha to try when I explained to her what I was trying to do.

I enjoyed the Ayesha as well, and so, was now in a quandary.  Which face mask should I get?  So, I asked Older Daughter to do an experiment: half my face with Rosy Cheeks, half with Ayesha.

It was a close fight … but in the end, we both decided Rosy Cheeks worked better for me!

L: Older Daughter with “Don’t Look at Me!” with a freshs citrusy scent which brightens up your skin; R: Me with Rosy Cheeks, soothes and tightens your skin

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